Sunday, June 17, 2012

My strange Dream

I woke up agitated the other night. My dream was like no dream I have ever had before. It was so vivid and the sense of loss stayed with me for days. Even now as I think about this dream it brings back that same sense of loss. So before I tell you about the dream let me give you a bible verse that goes along with it.

James 4:14  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 

This is not a verse I knew from memory. I actually had to google for the reference. I am currently reading Colossians so not even in this book of the bible, but a few nights ago I dreamt of two top hats. You know the kind that you pull white rabbits out of. They were large and into them the souls of everyone in existence were being poured. As the souls went in a vapor arose. White for those who knew Jesus and Dark for those who did not. I was standing there observing all of this. As I watched I felt my heart breaking. So many lost souls. I cried out in sorrow and then was told you can change all of this. One soul at a time.....................

Now that may seem like a crazy dream to you. It was one like nothing I have ever dreamt before, but the message was clear. Life is short and there are so many lost souls out there. What am I doing daily to bring those souls to Christ? My dream was an outcry against complacency. We cannot as Christian men and women sit back and let those lost souls go. Not without a fight. 

So how do we bring those souls to Christ? I believe that there is a simple 4 letter word that outlines it pretty well, LOVE. Through love we show others that we are different. Remember your language counts. Watch your words, be different than society. Show love to those who don't deserve it. Bless those who come to you in anger and most of all cover everything you do in prayer. If you live differently those around you will notice. If you have Jesus and your heart is full of love; those who are seeking will be drawn to you. When they are remember we are all sinners, do not judge them, but show them the amazing power and love of the Savior that came to die for them. The Savior who loves them despite anything they have done or will do.

Because every soul that is lost in eternity is heartbreaking to God, and what breaks his heart should break ours too............... Every lost soul was once a baby, formed in his perfection, somebody's child, a brother, a sister, and most importantly they have the potential to be an earth shaking leader, the next Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, or C.S. Lewis could be sitting next you right now..........What will you do about it?

 I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes


I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest 
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours

Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

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