It would be so much simpler if it were just me or just Eric and I. Its funny how the miracle of your children puts everything else into perspective. Moving with three children is like moving a mountain! What can we leave, what will we bring, and what will they not miss if it is left behind? All of these questions fill my mind as I wonder how to proceed. If life is a journey what vehicle do you use as you travel? Are you on foot? Do you drive a tank? Are you sailing along? M
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. One very well known quote that we have all heard. Now you just have to figure out what the rest of your life means. For me it is a big step in a scary direction. I know it will change us and I know we will be better for it, but somewhere deep in my heart the facade of bravery falls away and I am a small child wondering what to do. You see, my greatest fear is not the change, but if the change will be the right one. Will this make all the difference in the world or will we be afloat journeying through life forever without our paddles or a sail.
Now after you have pondered all of the levity that I have to offer, feel free to offer me platitudes and reassurance because we both know that when God closes a door he opens a window!
Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.