God does that you know. He lifts up your life when you make all the wrong choices. He takes on your sorrow and your pain and he turns your troubles to joy again. He tests us like Job, he fashions us like his son, and he molds us to our purpose. No matter how often we turn from that purpose he reaches out and takes our hand leading us down the right path. History is an example of the bad choices of men, and eternity is the proof of the one who rights our wrongs. Remember today and always he is our light in the world.
Whether it be through the greatest loss ever imagined or the greatest victory never realized he will be there. We all fall down, but when we hit our knees we can truly find what we need. For we will always need him. He will wipe our tears away and show us purpose in our pain. He will raise us up and life will go on. Now matter how hard the struggle there is a light bright and shining at the end. It is the light of Christ, and it is shining for you!