Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Christmas is such an amazing time of waiting. When you are a child there is all this build up! Christmas programs at school, shopping, cookie making, church programs, and so much more. You wait patiently and then impatiently. When Christmas Eve finally arrived the anticipation that has built up is part of the magic. Some of us relish the waiting and others, like me, find it tedious.

I hate waiting! Being a part of the now generation might be my problem, or maybe it is just my personality. When you are waiting for something big you put everything else aside. There seem to be too many hours in the day, and as the day progresses you find yourself bored. One day leading into the next and on and on. The end is in sight you can count the days cross them off one by one. Crossing them off though doesn't make it go any faster. Moreover, I find that counting down makes it go more slowly.

Imagine being lost in the desert. You are waiting to be shown the way and day upon day passes. You encounter so many blessings and hardships along the way. Can you imagine wondering will we be waiting forever? Is there really a promised land? In that light it puts my waiting into perspective and one more day, week, month, or hour doesn't seem so bad!

Deuteronomy 4:31

31 For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath.

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