Imagine God saying to you, " I have a plan for you and it's big." Picture yourself in Ezekiel's shoes. God tells him, " I am sending you on a mission, but it won't be easy." "Go speak to stubborn people who probably won't listen." If I were Ezekiel I think I would have asked. Why me Lord? I can't do this Lord and if they won't listen what is the point?
Now Ezekiel does what God asks him to do. In my eyes I see him as a great pastor. You know the type: You are breathless with wonder as they breath meaning into the word of God. This was Ezekiel. He left the people in awe. Day in and day out he told them of how angry God was with their rebellion and faithlessness. Then after a time:
Ezekiel 37:1 The LORD took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the LORD to a valley filled with bones.2 He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out.
Imagine that God brought him to a place full of dry bones. A place of death. Creepy right?
Ezekiel 37: 3 3 Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?”
Wow what a question. It is sort of like when m son Xavier drops a glass and it shatters. Millions of pieces all on the floor. Of course he starts crying at this point. The next words out of his mouth are so like this question. "Mommy can you fix it?" Of course some things are not in my power. I am not God. Ezekiel has exquisite faith. He believes without a doubt that God can do anything. Do you believe this? If we read further God tells Ezekiel to speak life into the dry bones.
Ezekiel 37: 7So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons.
I can't even imagine how Ezekiel felt. Standing there speaking to dry bones. Looking at a valley of skeletons Ezekiel preached a good sermon. He stood there praising the power of the Lord, when suddenly those bones started to rattle. Then they attached themselves together. I am pretty sure at this point Ezekiel had to have said, "That's some good preaching, can I get an Amen?" Of course this is not recorded in the scripture. What is recorded is the further miraculous work of the Lord. Ezekiel continued preaching and soon there was muscle and skin. Finally God gave them breath! An army from dry bones, isn't it amazing what God can do?
Now I'm no Ezekiel, but I know there are times God has asked me to speak and to act. God calls us each to a purpose. You don't have to be an Ezekiel to be the person who speaks God's word. You don't have to be Ezekiel to breath life into something that has died. So many people in this world live as if they are already dead. Day to day and hour to hour living without hope. There are those who would call it depression. There are those that would say some things are hopeless. That marriage can't be saved. That illness is terminal. That man is evil. That woman is just no good. However, the scripture clearly shows us that God can bring new life. God can knit together any broken bone, cure any illness, and fix any marriage.
God's love can fix anything. In an instant he can bring all the pieces together and breath life into anything. So the question is why hasn't he done it for you yet? Why do so many marriages fail? Why do people die without finding God? Why do so many people find themselves in horrible circumstances? I think the answer is simple. Without God our lives are empty. We are like the dry bones laying useless in that valley. Without God healing a marriage seems impossible. Without God finding our way seems hopeless. Without God we are alone in the dark. Whatever you are going through is not too great for God.
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