I find myself quite often picturing God with a shield. He is holding it up and battling against our enemies. He rushes into battle fighting for us. Fighting to protect us. The shield is why the drunk driver just clips your car, or the driver in front of you gets the speeding ticket, or the person in the cubicle next to you gets laid off.
In these troubled economic times I wonder if God has enough shields for all of us! I know that if we trust in him, like Moses before us things will be okay. Imagine the fear of facing an army behind you and the Red Sea in front of you. Imagine the impossibility of the water's parting and the path before you opening. If you are like me you cannot even begin to imagine.
I realized just recently that so many people in the world have stopped praying. God didn't answer your prayer for a new job, or not to go bankrupt. He didn't answer your prayer today or yesterday so what it the point?
God hasn't answered all of my prayers this year, but he answered so many unprayed prayers. He was there for the seizure we never expected. The MRI that resulted in good news. He was there every time my children fell down. He is there every time I get in the car. I am alive and well. My children are all healthy and well. We are not hungry or cold. God has answered so many prayers. Remember the next time that you are praying that God might answer a prayer that you haven't yet prayed.
I hope that you feel shielded this week, and hopefully next week I will have recovered from my writer's block!