Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Whose in Control

Well it sure isn't me. Yes I sit in the drivers seat of this contraption. Sometimes it seems to be a bus careening out of control and others a compact Japanese car, but though my hands are on the wheel and my feet slam on the gas and breaks I am not in control. Not in control you scream as I soar through the traffic lights, over speed bumps, and park at drastic angles in parking lots. Get out of the way old women say as they dive under park benches to avoid being hit. A picture of utter tranquility I grip the wheel and try to control it. Try as I might, I cannot turn off this path. This path I did not choose. This path that is not always easy, a path I sometimes do not like, but my path.

Like so many things in life we have a purpose, a mission, and a journey. The path is not easy, and we are not in control. You can hit the breaks, but you won't stop going. Other times you slam on the gas, and careen to a stop. At those times you often find yourself propelled to your knees, and on our knees with our hearts and minds open to God we remember who is in control.

Life brings us joy and sorrow. Each day is a battle and a festival. Remember when you wake in the morning, you will not control the day; despite your best efforts. In the end you can ask for guidance and find your way down the path, or be propelled down the path by a force beyond your control. It takes a lot of energy to get whiplash day in and day out fighting to be in control. Did you ever think that if you truly surrender life's road might be a little less bumpy.

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