Thursday, December 29, 2011

Support me or stand in the way?

With the new year just around the bend I find myself doing what so many others do.......I contemplate my life. I look at the year past. All my mistakes, all the joy, and all the pain laid out to reflect upon. As I reflect I often find myself drawn to bible verses like the one below.....

1Cornintians 3
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

I realize that I long for control in my life. I do not thrive on the instability that this year has brought. I am troubled often by the unknown, and my fears. I want to trust God and seek him even in my doubts. I often feel alone in my fears and doubts. Is it just me? Do other Christians struggle with this? Of course I know that I'm not alone, and have never been alone. God is with me even in my fears, and sometimes we need to let go. Luke 1: 37 For with God nothing is impossible

I have to remember to surrender my life to his control. I also have to realize that I cannot control those around me, and that it is sinful of me to try. Craig Groeschel preached an amazing sermon called Those People this year. In this sermon he talked about how we can surrender the direction of our lives to someone besides God. As a wife I think this is an area I must pay careful attention to. I have to ask myself a simple question. Am I supporting my husband, or am I standing in the way?

You see we all have our ideas of how our marriage, lifestyle, and parenting should go. However, I see a common thread in so many marriages. When trials and struggles set in instead of turning to God we panic. There is a saying that goes something like when the mom's not happy nobody's happy. I think in many cases as a wife we can insert ourselves in a manipulative way between our spouse and God. I believe that most of us do it out of love, but it brings heartache to both our spouse and our marriage. Your spouse cannot surrender the control of his life to you, and you shouldn't ask them to. It is not your right to be in control.
Ephesians 5:23For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

In recent years I have attended a few weddings where the vows have been changed. In fact I read an article where one church was omitting the word obey from vows because they felt that today's women were equal to their husbands and it was just to old fashioned. God is not old fashioned. He sees and understands everything. He created marriage. It is his plan for men and women. He created specific roles for both men and women in marriage. Those traditional vows are based on the word of God. Isn't it interesting in today's culture how so many people feel they can pick and choose what parts of the bible to believe. (There's another great sermon on this that you should watch from the Carols series) The bible is clear though, the husband is the spiritual leader not his wife. God created marriage to be something Great. So often we confuse our roles in marriage and settle for something good. This was not God's plan for you or your marriage. If I forget who I am in my marriage I will find myself no longer supporting my husband, but standing feet firmly planted in his way. Just look at this verse from Titus:Titus 2:5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. I wonder why this verse is not read more often. An interesting message for wives, but probably considered too old fashioned for the times, don't you think?

Most of all as I look at my life and my marriage I am struck by a verse from Romans. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Who am I to try to choose a direction for my marriage or my life? Who am I to think that I have answers to any questions? Who are you? Just because I fall short does not mean that God doesn't want me, but it does mean that I need God. Without God I am nothing. I am the sand in the desert. A drop of water in the ocean. Without God we are lost, and it is only when we find God that we find life. God is life everlasting. He is the way. He is the truth. He is the light in the darkness. He is your shield against suffering. He is in control. He is........

Matthew 10:39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

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