Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer has arrived

As much as I love the summer I also dread it. Summer means that it gets hot, summer means vacations that while well planned they always prove hectic, it means having free time, and having tons of activities.........................

What does summer mean to you?

To start off this summer I did something I have been meaning to do. I dug up the garden in front of our house. When we first moved in I was pregnant with Hailey and my parents did a quick fix on it. Since then the grass had grown both under and over the paper. It took me an entire day but I got the job done. I then planted some flowers and other plants in the newly tilled soil.

I also planted some potted veggies so we will have fresh veggies this summer, I hope.

Life is kind of like a garden. Our priorities and duties are the plants in the garden. The things we water thrive and the things we neglect don't. Of course with any garden their are weeds. They encroach even our best laid plans. If we ignore these weeds they take root in our hearts and begin to choke out the good things. By the time we finally get around to doing some weeding we find ourselves with one big hot mess. Just look at how my little garden was. The neglect of a couple of years took a full day to remedy. It's only a start though just because you plant the right things does not mean they take root. Jesus can be planted in your life, but if you don't take notice your relationship with him will never grow. Sometimes we have to forget the stuff that consumes us and remember the important things.

I think as I look forward toward a summer of fun that the important things should be highlighted. My God, my husband, my children, my church, and my friends. My time is like water and sunlight. The things I want to grow I will nurture with time and energy. Don't spend too much time nurturing trivial nonsense, and remember watch for weeds.

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