Do you remember being sick as a child. Laying there thinking you were going to never feel better again, and suddenly you felt better!
My daughter was sick last night! She was fine and then suddenly she started saying mommy my head hurts. Her head was followed by her legs, arms, neck, and stomache. I touched her head and discovered that she had a fever!
She begged me to sleep with her, and of course my heart melted. Sleeping with her is like not sleeping at all. She curled up next to me like a little wriggle worm space heater and I put my head on one of her lumpy hard pillows, no matter how I try to convince her that pillows should be soft she still likes hard ones. My neck ached, my legs ached, my shoulders ached, and she fell asleep. So there I was laying in her bed not daring to move for fear of waking her and I too fell asleep. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning the motrin wore off and she woke up. Yup, I woke up too, and I felt the need for motrin for a whole score of other reasons.
After a long sleepless night the fever seems to have broken and my wigglie little monster is downstairs coloring butterflies. I am upstairs wishing everyone would sleep so I can have a nap too!!!
Now if I can just keep the other two from catching the mysterious fever all will be well!
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